Sunday, October 20, 2013

Another bear on ebay!

I just listed Gentle Spirit on a 7 day auction on ebay.

His auction will end Oct 27, 2013 14:03:11 PDT.
Click on the link above to go to his auction. I was going
to list him last month but it was not in the cards at that time.  
It has been a crazy month and a half.
My mom passed away last month, god rest her soul. She
was an awesome lady and I will miss her dearly.
She loved to watch me work on my bears and see them come to life.
She was one of my biggest fans. Love you mom!


Kays Kids said...

I am so sorry To hear that your darling Mum has passed away. Mums leave a big hole in our hearts when they are not there any more.
Your bear is wonderful.
Hugs Kay

Linda said...

Thank you Kay. They sure do leave a big hole in our hearts.

Alberta said...

{{{ hugs }}} Linda.
Losing your Mom is so difficult. After almost 14 years, I still miss mine every day.

Linda said...

Has it been that long Berta? I miss her everyday. Little things keep popping into my head as I do things that makes me laugh at what she would say.