Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ki-Yan is here!!!

Well I thought I was never going to get this fellow done. But he is here, and to find out more about him and to see more pictures of him go to my web site.
So here is Ki-Yan. I needled felted his face and nose ,then put on layers of wax. It had been a while since I waxed a nose and wanted to give it a try again. I think it turned out not to bad. If you are interested in adopting Ki-Yan please email me.


Bumpkin Hill said...

He's fantastic, you made a wonderful job of his nose, that waxing worked a treat! Hugs, Catherine x

Art4U said...

He is Adorable!
x Julie x

Linda said...

Thanks Julie. His nose took hours to do but I am happy the way it turned out.

Linda said...

Thanks Catherine. It was worth doing. A few times I thought I was going to scrap the idea but I am glad I stuck with it.